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A collection of neat links that I wanted to save for one reason or another. As of writing this, they are organized in no particular order.

motherfuckingwebsite.com - It's a website

ejv2.cc - Blog which I graciously borrowed design ideas from

noclip.website - Videogame level museum

castaway.tf - TF2 Community with valve-like servers

Hammer++ - Upgraded version of Hammer, the source engine map editor.

imgchest.com - Fast, free image storage. Much better alternative to imgur if you just need to have hard links to images.

catbox.moe - Near permanent small (<200MB) file storage. Useful for having a hard link to any type of file. Use imgchest (above) for image storage, not this. Use litterbox (below) if you don't need to store the file for very long.

litterbox.catbox.moe - Catbox, larger (<1GB) file storage, but storage is temporary.

Linode - VPS provider which I use extensively due to having small (~1GB ram) VPS options for good prices.

cytu.be - Online chatbox with the ability to embed media and sync for viewers.

8chan.tv - Streaming site with low usage and little to no rules.

wolframalpha.com - Best math site out there. Able to do all the calculus you forgot because of how many years it's been.

quickref.me - Programming language syntax quick reference.

learnxinyminutes.com - Crash course for a lot of programming languages.

thebigoarchive.com - Archive for all content related to the anime Big O.

laingame.com - In browser port for the Serial Experiments Lain videogame.

columbophile.com - A very comprehensive fan blog for the Columbo TV series.

whatisdeepfried.com - Comics by Jason Yungbluth. Specifically, the link to a favorite comic of mine, Clarissa.

libgen.is - Online book repository. Contains essentially every book ever written, all for free.

commandlinefu.com - Repository of neat commands for the command line.

eldritchdata - Lots of resources on computer privacy/security/tangential topics

digdeeper - Mainly focused on internet privacy/security, but also other random life topics.

DeleteMe - (Paid) service to remove your personal information from online data harvesters.

cock.li - Free email service. Very useful for making throwaway accounts.

cobalt.tools - Generic media downloader site. Pretty much yt-dlp but a web app. Also has a media remuxer

Vimm's Lair - Archive of classic games and emulators for older consoles

Flashpoint Archive - Archive of flash games and animations